Sunday, March 2, 2014

Elder Spencer Lehr: The LORD Prepares His Children

This week in the Madagascar Antananarivo Mission 

 Tuesday we had a very...hard day....all of our appointments feel through and so we had a lot of time to tract. After tracting about an hour or so we took a 5 min break. Then I remembered something that was said in a devotional at the MTC. "We as missionaries do not find people, but God has already prepared them and then we get to be there to see heavenly father do his miracles." So in the 5 minutes we had, I began to pray that while we were tracting, if it would be possible, to have HIM lead us to someone that He had already been preparing.

 After the prayer, we got up and tracted for about 15-20 more minutes when we met an older woman painting. Right as we said we were missionaries from the church of Jesus Christ...She said MANDROSO!!! or COME IN! She sat us down on her couch, grabbed her daughters and told them to sit down and listen to us. (Her husband was getting the grandchildren from school at this time) One of the daughters is married and has a couple of kids, and they were perfect! As we have met with Monique (The older woman) And her daughters...They have been so responsive to the message of the restoration. They told us "Yes we are Catholic but we don't like any of the churches here. We are going to ask god if this is true and if it is then we want our entire family to hear the discussions and then to get baptized in the church."

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