Q&A for Missionaries Preparing to Serve

Disclaimer: These answers are our own and are not indicative of the views of the LDS church:

That said . . . we have a little experience :) Please post additional questions in the comments section!

What kind of music can I bring on my mission?

While there is no personal music allowed in the MTC, music can be very uplifting and invite the spirit. Specific direction from mission presidents can vary, some recommend that missionaries only listen to hymn. Others are more liberal and allow most religious music that 1) invites the spirit and 2) does not have heavy beats. The Missionary Handbook states, 
"Listen only to music that is consistent with the sacred spirit of your calling. Music should invite the Spirit, help you focus on the work, and direct your thoughts and feelings to the Savior. Do not listen to music that pulls your thoughts away from your work, merely entertains, has romantic lyrics or overtones, or dulls your spiritual sensitivity by its tempo, beat, loudness,
lyrics, or intensity.  Listening to music must never interfere with your personal preparation or proselyting. If you have any questions about music, discuss them with your mission president."
Remember, it is always better to ere on the side of obedience than to walk the line.

What can Sisters wear?

Remember that even though we get to wear skirts, we still need to look professional and not casual or faddish. Don't put on too many different colors in a "scrapbooking" style and don't over-do the jewelry. Also,  Toms and other faddish shoes are not allowed and you might be asked to send them home in the MTC. Remember to be modest. Over and over I have seen sisters who are distracted from their purpose because they are too worried about their skirt being a fraction too short when they sit. Be modest and Be happy! For specifics, check out the Sister Missionary Dress and Grooming Guidelines!

What can Elder's Wear?

Elders, you have too been blessed with new dress and grooming guidelines which now include light colored slacks! I promise . . . that is great news! However, you still need to make sure that your look never becomes casual. Missionaries are meant to stand out from the crowd and draw people to them. The biggest problem I see in the MTC for Elders is hairstyles. Although you are not asked to rock the Bednar deep part, you are asked to keep your hair conservative and short with sideburns no lower than the middle ear.

Should I Bring Any Medical Items?

YES! To begin, the #1 medical condition effecting missionaries world wide is STRESS! At the MTC there is even a workshop addressing stress and how missionaries can better adjust to missionary life. The fact of the matter is, God wants you to succeed! That said, Missionary Medicine recommends that you prepare for possible anxiety by bringing a "911 package" with pictures from home, special music, or trinkets that will comfort you. Missionary life is hugely different from the lifestyle missionaries leave behind and it is common to take a little time to adjust. Elders and Sisters should be aware of how they react to stress so they can note when it is time for a little personal rest (prayer, singing hymns, breathing . . .). And remember how important proper diet and exercise are!

For more information on missionary medical, visit their blog!

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